"A journey of a thousand miles begins with one small step".
In my management and personal development training programmes I often talk about the Japanese concept of "Kaizen" or continuous improvement, which uses small incremental steps to improvement, rather than expecting quantum leaps. Anyone can make small changes. If you make enough of them you achieve great things. Just do a little, and then do a little bit more.
When I ran my first (and coincidentally, my last!) marathon, I was completely spent by 23 miles. I had "hit the wall" and had nothing left in the tank. I couldn`t conceive of running a further 3 miles! But I could run to the next lamp post, and then the next tree and then the next street corner. By breaking it into manageable chunks in my mind I eventually completed the course.
Great success and achievement is often the bye product of small steps. Doing a little bit more. When you`ve done enough, do a little bit more. Go the extra mile, put in the extra degree of effort. This is what separates the winners and losers. The difference between winning and losing is often much smaller than you think. Break your big goal down into bite sized pieces. You`ll be amazed what you can achieve.
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