Wednesday 12 December 2012

"Loving what you do"

I was sipping a cappucino yesterday in Zurich airport reflecting on a presentation I had just given to the marketing department of a large global company. During the course of which I talked about being passionate about what you do. The talk was well received and everyone was very happy with the outcome and I got some very positive feedback. While waiting for my flight back to Heathrow it struck me that many people are locked into jobs and situations that they are not passionate about and that they don`t love. Henry David Thoreau once said, "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation".

I feel extremely fortunate to do what I do. I love doing it and wouldn`t want to do anything else. I decided many years ago that I wasn`t going to spend my life following someone else`s dream and if I really wasn`t happy pursuing a career, then I would  change it. I used to love teaching, right up to the point when I lost my love for it and the challenge dissipated. I then made the decision to leave teaching and pursue something that did challenge and fulfill me. 

The cynics would say that it`s not that easy to just change career paths just because you don`t like it. Who said it was easy? My belief is that you have one life. Think very carefully about how you want to live it. Why not ask discover what you are passionate about? What do you really love to do? Could you make a living pursuing that passion? Surely it`s worth asking the question?

So, what is it that you feel passionate about? Maybe this video might help....

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